
Women@Plaza is dedicated to supporting and empowering employees identifying as women to reach their full potential in the workplace. We strive to do this through (i) raising awareness of issues faced by women in the workplace, (ii) aiding in and supporting professional development, and (iii) recognizing the efforts, contributions and distinct experiences of women in the workplace and applauding their achievements.


The Women@Plaza Recognition Award is granted annually to recognize the achievements of exceptional women and to show Plaza’s appreciation for them going the extra mile, both inside and outside of the workplace.

Our third Recognition Award was presented on International Women’s Day, March 8, 2024.

Click here to see this year’s recipient.


Women@Plaza’s pilot mentorship program launched in June 2023.

The mentorship program is designed to provide support and contribute to the personal and professional development of both mentees and mentors; support a culture of continuous learning, inclusion, and value creation throughout Plaza; and connect Plaza team members who may not otherwise have the opportunity to work together on a regular basis.


Women@Plaza continues to deliver professional development and lifestyle events, including through its webinar series, to contribute to personal and professional development. The most recent event was held on International Women’s Day, March 8, 2024 and featured an ESG-themed webinar with three outstanding women in the field of environmental studies – a professor and two students – who shared their views and experiences with Plaza employees and discussed why organizations should be concerned about the environment and the social impacts of their business.

Planning for the next webinar in November 2024 is underway.


Women@Plaza has developed a resource communication plan for the delivery of useful resources to staff that address issues impacting women in the workplace on an ongoing basis.


Women@Plaza is committed to reinvesting in and contributing to the communities in which Plaza operates and advancing community well-being.

This includes supporting a variety of causes and community organizations ranging from local sports teams to those shown below.

Women@Plaza is a proud supporter of: